Saturday, September 30, 2006

Night at the Jazz Club

Tonight some friends and myself drove down to Fullerton to see this fantastic jazz band. Although their name escapes me, their sound is something I can never forget. Imagine Pink Floyd, Sergio Mendes, Herb Albert, Robbie Coltran, Herbie, Louie, and Pedro Perez wrapped into one band and that's what we got.

The music was the only promising contribution to the night. The club was typical (I'm glad it was) and priced just right; except for the drinks (I ordered hot tea and by the time I received it the water was like some peoples faith...Lukewarm). Then there was the seating. The hostess sat us together then sat other strangers at the same strangers. There's nothing like drunk swingers sitting next to someone to make the night entertaining. I think they were turned off after we prayed for our meal and enjoyed the evening without the use of liquor.

Anyway, the night was great. I think I have a cold now....Crap!

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