Tuesday, August 22, 2006

When a lesson just isn't good enough

Have you ever been pressed to teach something, and after countless hours of research you find that are still unprepared? I feel this way tonight. After spending a week at camp and really pouring over the passage I would discuss, I feel that my message sucks!

The plan was to break away from the topical lessons that I normally do, and teach a specific passage; Matthew 5, or most notably the Beatitudes. I have a plethora of books at my disposal, yet I still feel unprepared. I feel that I could give the message tomorrow and it will be okay. I want it to be great. I want to put the best effort in my research and have something that is beneficial to my students. So...I have decided to use the next week to put together a really good series. Wow...was this rant even necessary?

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