Saturday, November 18, 2006

Texas Day 2

Well, its actually day three, but Thursday was over before I knew it and nothing really happened. Okay, so this is what's been happening today:

  • Got up really early to see Allen High school football team beat the crap out of Rowlett.
  • Got to see a Texas style football game in the "Texas stadium- home of the Dallas cowboys." Texans take their football very seriously...almost fanatical.
  • We drove by where President Kennedy was assassinated. The grassy knoll was packed with tourists, and the book depository was kind of neat. This kind of weird- they have two "X"s on the road to signify where Kennedy was shot.
  • We ate lunch at this really crazy cool pizza place called Brooklyn. Great food, even better service. My friend Mark got slice that was kind of skimpy on the meat, the manager came over and took it back. The same slice returned packed with meat. Texans don't mess around when it comes to food.
  • Now, I'm watching am Auburn game. What is happening to me...?
  • By the way, I am the mayor of the town "Lucas"!

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