Friday, September 01, 2006

The number game

I normally don't care about numbers (meaning 'how much we run' in ministry). But, I find myself becoming more concerned that every other ministry is growing except for the junior high. This is not really true, but I feel that our potential is limited by a number of things. Why am I always thinking about numbers? I hate bean counting!!!


Mike Lovato said...

Seeing as how I see the numbers every week, let me offer two observations:

1. You're running more on Sundays right now than 6 months ago.

2. I wouldn't say every other ministry is growing....I think children's and adults are holding steady.

3. (Bonus observation) Numbers can be a good indicator, but don't let them drive you. Pursue health and the numbers will follow.

the McWhorters said...

without numbers i would have 10 less buttons on my keyboard.